
What Happened at Leeds. 


Report Published by the Council of Workers & Soldiers' Delegates. 


Offered with: T.L.S. from Russell to Ronald Gray of the Hammersmith Bookshop, dated 21 November, 1964, regarding the Leeds meeting. 提供人:T.L.S. 1964 年 11 月 21 日,《從羅素到哈默史密斯書店的羅納德·格雷》,關於利茲會議。

Also with the carbon copies of two letters from Gray at Hammersmith Books, who were proposing to reprint the report, addressed to Russell.還有兩封來自 Hammersmith Books 的 Gray 的複寫本,他們提議重印這份報告,寄給 Russell。

RUSSELL, Bertrand and others]: Published by London: Adelphi, 1917., 1917 

 伯特蘭|羅素,等人]:倫敦出版:Adelphi, 1917., 1917

Russell played a significant part in the Leeds Convention in June 1917 an historic event which saw well over a thousand 'anti-war socialists' gather; many being delegates from the Independent Labour Party and the Socialist Party, united in their pacifist beliefs and advocating a peace settlement. The international press reported that Russell appeared alongside a number of Labour MPs, including both the future Prime Minister, Ramsey McDonald, and the future Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Snowden and that former Liberal MP, and anti-conscription campaigner, Professor Arnold Lupton, was also a guest. 

羅素在 1917 年 6 月的利茲會議中發揮了重要作用,這是一個歷史性事件,有超過一千名“反戰社會主義者”聚集在一起;許多人是獨立工黨和社會黨的代表,他們團結一致的和平主義信仰,倡導和平解決。國際媒體報導說,拉塞爾與許多工黨議員一起出現,包括未來的總理拉姆齊麥克唐納和未來的財政大臣菲利普斯諾登和前自由黨議員以及反徵兵活動家阿諾德拉普頓教授,也是客人。

After the event, Russell told Lady Ottoline, 'to my surprise, when I got up to speak, I was given the greatest ovation that was possible to give anybody' ' (Wikipedia, citing Russell, 'A Summer of Hope' in Pacifism and Revolution, 1916-18 (Psychology Press, 1995), and 'British Socialists Peace Terms Discussed', The Sydney Morning Herald, 5 June 1917). 

活動結束後,拉塞爾告訴奧托琳女士,“令我驚訝的是,當我站起來發言時,我得到了所有人所能給予的最熱烈的掌聲”(維基百科援引拉塞爾的《和平主義的“希望之夏”和革命,1916-18 年(心理學出版社,1995 年)和“討論的英國社會主義者和平條款”,悉尼先驅晨報,1917 年 6 月 5 日)。

Ray Monk, Bertrand Russell: The Spirit of Solitude, 1872-1921, Vol. 1, pp. 497-8. Seller Inventory # 24517

Ray Monk,伯特蘭·羅素:孤獨的精神,1872-1921,卷1,第 497-8 頁。賣家庫存# 24517



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