英国萨里大学的学分转入程序:a process called recognition of prior learning (RPL)

Credit transfer

The University of Surrey recognises that many students enter their higher education course with valuable knowledge and skills developed through a range of professional, vocational and community contexts. If this applies to you, a process called recognition of prior learning (RPL) may allow you to enter your course at a point appropriate to your previous learning and experience, or to join the start of a course without the formal entry requirements. This means that you may be exempt from certain elements of study in the course for which you have applied and be awarded credit based on your previous qualifications/experience. There are restrictions on RPL for some courses and fees may be payable for certain claims.

Please see the code of practice for recognition of prior learning and prior credit: taught programmes (PDF) for further information. Please email Admissions (admissions@surrey.ac.uk) with any queries.


薩里大學認識到,許多學生在進入高等教育課程時都擁有通過一系列專業、職業和社區環境開發的寶貴知識和技能。 如果這適用於您,稱為先前學習認可 (RPL) 的過程可能允許您在適合您先前學習和經驗的時間點進入您的課程,或者在沒有满足正式入學要求的情況下加入課程的開始。 這意味著您可以免除您申請的課程中的某些學習要素,並根據您以前的資格/經驗獲得學分。 某些課程的 RPL 有限制,某些学分转移可能需要支付費用。

有關更多信息,請參閱認可先前學習和先前學分的實踐代碼:教授課程 (PDF)。 如有任何疑問,請發送電子郵件至招生 (admissions@surrey.ac.uk)。



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2022 年 1 月 7 日 关于在华英国签证申请中心的重要信息