

J-1 Visiting Scholar
J-1 访问学者

The staff of International Student and Scholar Services greatly appreciates the many contributions you make to UWM and the greater Milwaukee community. 国际学生和学者服务部的工作人员非常感谢您为 UWM 和更大的密尔沃基社区做出的许多贡献。

If you are being sponsored by UWM as a Visiting Scholar in J-1 status, you will need to consider how you will acquire J-1 status and also be aware of how to maintain J-1 status. 如果您被 UWM 赞助为 J-1 身份的访问学者,您将需要考虑如何获得 J-1 身份,并了解如何保持 J-1 身份。

Acquiring J-1 Status 获得 J-1 身份

Consular Interview & J-1 Admission: 领事面谈和 J-1 录取:

a prospective J-1 may make an application for a J-1 visa and have a visa interview at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Most J-1 visas are issued in under one week, but some visa applications undergo “administrative processing” which can take several weeks or longer. After a J-1 visa is granted, the prospective J-1 travels to the U.S. and applies for admission to the U.S. in J-1 status at a U.S. Port of Entry. The U.S. Department of State website provides detailed information and tools to assist with the process. 预期的 J-1 可以申请 J-1 签证并在美国大使馆或领事馆进行签证面谈。 大多数 J-1 签证在一周内签发,但有些签证申请需要经过“行政处理”,可能需要数周或更长时间。 在获得 J-1 签证后,准 J-1 前往美国并在美国入境口岸申请以 J-1 身份进入美国。 美国国务院网站提供了详细的信息和工具来协助该过程。

Change of Status to J-1: 将身份更改为 J-1:

a prospective J-1 who is already in the U.S. in a different visa status may wish to apply for a change of status to J-1. The change of status petition is processed by the United States Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) while the petitioner waits in the U.S. rather than travels abroad. Change of status petitions can take several months and during that time it may be that the individual is not permitted to work. 已经以其他签证身份居留在美国的准 J-1 签证持有人,可能希望申请将身份更改为 J-1。 身份变更申请由美国公民及移民服务局 (USCIS) 处理,请愿人留在美国等待,无需出国旅行。 身份变更申请可能需要几个月的时间,在此期间可能不允许个人工作。

Extension of J-1 status: J-1身份延期:

J-1 program extensions are requested by the UWM sponsor. Departments submit the DS-2019 Request Form to CIE and CIE extends the J-1/J-2 program(s) through SEVIS. Visiting scholars and their dependents then receive DS-2019s with the new program end dates. J-1 计划延期须由UWM 作为赞助人提出。 各部门向 CIE 提交 DS-2019 申请表,CIE 通过 SEVIS 延期 J-1/J-2 计划。 访问学者及其家属随后会收到带有新项目结束日期的 DS-2019。

Transfer of J-1 status:转移J-1身份

some J-1 programs may be transferred from one sponsoring institution to another sponsoring institution. As long as there is time remaining in the maximum duration of a J-1 category and the program activities will remain the same, a J-1 exchange visitor is likely to be eligible to transfer. If you are transferring to UWM, your academic department will initiate the transfer by submitting a DS-2019 Request Form to CIE. If you are transferring from UWM, you may request J-1 program transfer from CIE. 一些 J-1 项目可能会从一个赞助机构转移到另一个赞助机构。 只要在 J-1 类别的最长期限内还有剩余时间,并且计划活动保持不变,J-1 交流访问学者就有可能有资格转学。 如果您要转学至 UWM,您的学术部门将通过向 CIE 提交 DS-2019 申请表来启动转学。 如果您从 UWM 转学出去,您可以向 CIE 索取 J-1 课程转学表。

Maintaining J-1 Status 保持 J-1 身份

In order to maintain your J-1 visa status you must: 为了保持您的 J-1 签证身份,您必须:
keep your immigration documents valid 保持您的移民文件有效
1. update your local residential address, email(s), phone number(s) with CIE
向 CIE 更新您当地的住址、电子邮件、电话号码
2. pursue the research or teaching that is indicated on your DS-2019
仅从事 DS-2019 上注明的研究或教学
3. maintain the required levels of medical insurance for yourself and J-2 dependents for the duration of your J-1 program
在您的 J-1 计划期间为您自己和 J-2 家属维持所需水平的医疗保险
4. secure authorization from ISSS before accepting occasional lectures or consultations
在接受偶尔的讲座或咨询之前获得 ISSS 的授权
5. depart from the U.S. or apply for a change of visa status within 30 days from the end date of your DS-2019
在您的 DS-2019 结束之日起 30 天内离开美国或申请更改签证状态

If you have questions about your visa status, please do not hesitate to ask an international advisor during a walk-in advising time or an individual appointment. It is our pleasure to assist you with questions about your visa status so that you may focus on your research and teaching.如果您对您的签证状态有任何疑问,请在预约咨询时间或个人预约期间随时咨询国际顾问。 我们很高兴帮助您解决有关您签证状态的问题,以便您可以专注于您的研究和教学。

We aim to support you while you pursue your goals for research, teaching and cultural exchange. We are always happy to talk with you about your questions about your visa status, life at UWM, in Milwaukee and the U.S. 我们的目标是在您追求研究、教学和文化交流的目标时为您提供支持。 我们总是很乐意与您讨论有关您的签证状态、在 UWM、密尔沃基和美国生活的问题。

Know Your Rights 知晓您的权益

In the United States, laws protect all workers against abuse and discrimination. Click here for more information about the rights you have while working in the United States. 在美国,法律保护所有工作者免受虐待和歧视。 单击此处了解有关您在美国工作期间所拥有权利的更多信息。



【在维多利亚时代描绘中国:《庞奇》杂志、权力与政治】 書評


2022 年 1 月 7 日 关于在华英国签证申请中心的重要信息