Rilke: Bio Novel (Hardcover) – 18 Mar. 2021 by Kahn, Farrol (Author)


The book is the story of a tragic love affair. Rilke who has devoted his whole life to being a poet has hit a creative block. Despondent, he is on the verge of leaving Switzerland when he meets Elisabeth Klossowska in 1920. She becomes his lover and muse and finds a tower for him to complete his great poems, the Duino Elegies. He dies six years later at the age of 50 from leukaemia. 

介绍:这本书讲述了一段悲惨的爱情故事。 毕生致力于成为诗人的里尔克遇到了创作障碍。 沮丧的他在 1920 年遇到 Elisabeth Klossowska 时,是即将离开瑞士之时。她成为他的情人和缪斯女神,并为他找到了一座城堡来完成他的伟大诗歌 Duino Elegies。 六年后,他死于白血病,享年 50 岁。 

"Farrol Kahn‘s superb novel lends the subject a truly Proustian perspective..It stirs and sustains the reader's involvement throughout.“法罗尔·卡恩 (Farrol Kahn) 的精彩小说为这个主题赋予了真正的普鲁斯式视角。它在整个过程中激发并维持读者的参与。

The animation of Rilke is carried out brilliantly. Ralph Freedman. Author of definitive biography - Life of a Poet:Rainer Maria Rilke. 

对里尔克的刻画表现出色。拉尔夫·弗里德曼。权威传记的作者 - 诗人的生活:莱纳·玛丽亚·里尔克。

"I ve read the excerpt and I must say: absolutely brilliant! Oskar Freysinger, Swiss writer

” 我已经阅读了摘录,我得说:绝对精彩!" 奥斯卡·弗莱辛格,瑞士作家

But I have had a life-long interest in art, and in all I have written 12 cultural/travel books.



【在维多利亚时代描绘中国:《庞奇》杂志、权力与政治】 書評


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