Jugendstil 青年风格

Jugendstil ("Youth Style") was an artistic movement, particularly in the decorative arts, that was influential primarily in Germany and elsewhere in Europe to a lesser extent from about 1895 until about 1910.It was the German counterpart of Art Nouveau. The members of the movement were reacting against the historicism and neo-classicism of the official art and architecture academies. It took its name from the art journal Jugend, founded by the German artist Georg Hirth. It was especially active in the graphic arts and interior decoration.

Jugendstil(“青年风格”)是一种艺术运动,特别是在装饰艺术方面,大约 从1895 年到1910 年,主要在德国和欧洲其他地方产生了小范围影响,是新艺术运动在德国的反应。该运动的成员反对官方艺术和建筑学院的历史主义和新古典主义。它的名字来源于由德国艺术家 Georg Hirth 创立的艺术期刊《青年》(Jugend),在图形艺术和室内装饰中特别活跃。

Its major centers of activity were Munich and Weimar and the Darmstadt Artists' Colony founded in Darmstadt in 1901. Important figures of the movement included the Swiss graphic artist Hermann ObristOtto Eckmann, and the Belgian architect and decorator Henry van de Velde. In its earlier years, the style was influenced by Modern Style (British Art Nouveau style). It was also influenced by Japanese prints. Later, under the Secessionists influence, it tended toward abstraction and more geometrical forms.

运动的主要活动中心是慕尼黑和魏玛,以及 1901 年在达姆施塔特成立的达姆施塔特艺术家群聚地(Darmstadt Artists' Colony。该运动的重要人物包括瑞士平面艺术家赫尔曼奥布里斯特Hermann Obrist、奥托埃克曼Otto Eckmann和比利时建筑师和装饰师亨利范德维尔德Henry van de Velde。在其早期,风格受到现代风格(英国新艺术风格)的影响。它还受到日本版画的影响。后来,在分离主义者Secessionists的影响下,它倾向于抽象和更多的几何形式。



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