

Launch of MA Global Learning at UCL Institute of Education

Dear prospective student,

您曾表示对在线 MA 《全球学习》感兴趣,在此我很高兴宣布 MA Global Learning 现已启动并开放申请。 如果您之前收到过这封电子邮件,我们深表歉意,但我们希望确保我们已经让所有询问人能了解修改后的计划的细节。
I am writing to you as you expressed an interest in our fully online MA Global Learning. We are pleased to announce the MA Global Learning has now been launched and is open for applications. Apologies if you have received this email previously, but we want to make sure we have let everyone who enquired know about the details of the revised programme.

《全球学习》是一种教学方法,鼓励积极参与多元化、相互依存和脆弱的世界。 它包括可持续发展教育和全球公民教育,这对于实现联合国的可持续发展目标至关重要。 该在线学位旨在让学习者将全球学习纳入您的教育实践,并通过政策或研究加以应用,从而促进全球社会正义和可持续性。
Global Learning is a pedagogical approach that encourages active engagement with a diverse, interdependent and fragile world. It encompasses Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Education, which are essential for achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. This online degree is designed to equip learners to incorporate global learning into your educational practice, and apply it through policy or research, thereby advancing global social justice and sustainability.

MA Global Learning 面向有兴趣在学校、继续教育和高等教育、非政府组织或青年工作中发展、促进和管理对全球挑战的教育应对措施的任何人。 它向希望将全球和社会正义视角带入教育的早期职业或更成熟的国际专业人士开放。 它通过异步活动完全在线运行,特别是让世界各地的学生都可以访问它。 这种在线形式允许学生贡献自己的观点,同时提供一个协作空间,他们可以在其中与来自不同国际和教育环境的同龄人对话,比较和挑战他们的理解。
The MA Global Learning is intended for anyone interested in developing, promoting and managing educational responses to global challenges, in schools, further and higher education, NGOs or youth work. It is open to early career or more established professionals internationally, who want to bring a global and social justice perspective to education. It is run fully online through asynchronous activities, specifically so that it is accessible to students based all over the world. This online format allows students to contribute their own perspective, whilst offering a collaborative space in which they can compare and challenge their understanding in dialogue with peers based in diverse international and educational settings.

MA Global Learning 将于 2022 年 10 月开始,并在 2022 年 3 月之前开放申请。更多详情可在此处和项目团队制作的说明视频中找到:https://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Play /78257。
The MA Global Learning will run from October 2022 and is open for applications up until end March 2022. Further details can be found here and in an explanatory video produced by the programme team: https://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Play/78257.

如果您对该计划有任何疑问,请通过 c.bentall@ucl.ac.uk 联系我 - 项目负责人 Clare Bentall 博士。
If you have any further questions about the programme, please contact me - Dr Clare Bentall, Programme Leader - on c.bentall@ucl.ac.uk.

Also, if you wish to be added to our Development Education Research Centre mailing list, please let me know.

Best wishes
Clare Bentall

Clare Bentall 博士 SFHEA| 发展教育研究中心副主任 | MA发展教育和全球学习项目负责人| UCL 教育学院,伦敦 WC1H 0AL |732 室|+(44)(0) 20 7612 6916 | UCL 专业和研究概况 | ORCID

Dr Clare Bentall SFHEA| Associate Director Development Education Research Centre | Programme Lead for MA Development Education and Global Learning | UCL Institute of Education, London WC1H 0AL |Room 732|+(44)(0) 20 7612 6916 | UCL Professional and Research Profile | ORCID

International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning - Editor



【在维多利亚时代描绘中国:《庞奇》杂志、权力与政治】 書評


2022 年 1 月 7 日 关于在华英国签证申请中心的重要信息